About us
Open mind
Based on our experience, we are constantly developing and remain curious. We are open to your ideas and implement new software requirements. Dialogue and personal advice are a matter of course for us.
Focus on the customer
Member of the OSB Alliance – Bundesverband für digitale Souveränität e.V

Developed in Germany
Two Data Centers in Frankfurt
Experienced support team
Digital sovereignty through open source
Open standards: EGroupware offers open standards and interfaces. CalDAV/CardDAV/WebDAV, IMAP/SMTP, Import/Export, RESTAPI and OpenID-Connect are available with EGroupware. Connections or sync to LDAP, AD and UCS are also possible.
Free choice of provider: You can switch between running your online office in a self-installation or the cloud.
Resilience through interchangeability of components: EGroupware has a modular structure and can control which applications are to be used via groups.
Consulting & Support
Birgit Becker is the specialist for consulting & support of the software. Due to the close customer contact, she also forms the interface between the customer and the development department. She is also responsible for the personnel department at EGroupware GmbH.
Software development
The core of data protection and data security is a mixture of solid (software) architecture and innovation. Ralf Becker has the strength to bring these two “characteristics” together.

What customers say
Since 2006, we have been successfully using EGroupware in our administration. Initially, our usage started with about 70 employees, but the number of active users has since grown to 240, including 100 functional users. Typically, 100 employees work simultaneously with the system. Our flat-rate contract covers usage seamlessly.
Geographical independence and yet networked working is enormously important for our university, as we are spread over two locations. We need a smoothly functioning and easy-to-use software solution. For these reasons we decided to use EGroupware Enterprise Line (EPL). The competent, friendly team is very easy to reach and delivers fast, uncomplicated solutions when needed.
We chose EGroupware because the solution made the most mature impression among the open source solutions at the time of the decision. We use the modules calendar, infolog, address book and synchronization with mobile devices.
EGroupware ist mit aktuell 90 Nutzern seit 2009 im Einsatz. Als Basis für alle täglichen Arbeitsabläufe der Stadtverwaltung ist die Software nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Stadtverwaltung Ochtrup organisiert die öffentlichen Aufgaben für die 20.000-Einwohner-Stadt im westlichen Münsterland. Verwaltet wird außerdem der Baubetriebshof, das Freibad Ochtrup und die Rettungswache. Unsere Entscheidung fiel für EGroupware aus, da.
The community version has been in successful use within my working group for many years. The main features are the calendar and address functions and the knowledge database. The use is intuitive and the system is well accepted by all employees.
The decision was made to use the EPL because it is almost identical to our in-house predecessor software, which was no longer up to our requirements. The migration of the data was very easy, which made our work much easier. Upgrades and the hosting of the data is done by the EGroupware team, as the server was outsourced.